Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My goals for this course

I am excited to learn new ways to use technology in the classroom. I am somewhat familiar with techno stuff and web-based applications, but am excited to learn how to use it more efficiently and easily. The practice will help make me more comfortable and likely to use it in my own classroom. I also hope to learn how to integrate technology into lessons and activities for the students to do. There are so many websites and other things available for today's students, and I hope to be provided with many available options and start a repertoire to pull from when I have my own classroom. Using the internet, cameras, smart boards, and other technological instruments is so important for kids to become familiar with using, and I hope to do the same through this class so I am confident to use it in my classroom.

1 comment:

  1. I also want to learn how to incorporate technology into the classroom. The idea of having using technology in an elementary classroom is somewhat challenging to me, but hopefully we'll learn some good techniques in this class!
